1-2 C168P User’s Manual
Hardware Configuration Method
Multipoort Board
1 2 3 4
New : set I/O address Traditional : set switch and
and IRQ via software and jumper manually for
Utility. I/O address and IRQ.
Instead of using traditional jumper or switch for IRQ and I/O address settings,
hardware configuration of each port is easily set by DOS utility,
Io-irq.exe, which
reads and writes the on-board EEPROM for configuration information through the
CAP (Configuration Access Port) address. The CAP address is the only channel
via which the configuration utility Io-irq.exe can access the board, which is identical
the first port's base I/O address.
The only jumper,
JP1, is designed in case that users forget the CAP address.
Normally JP1 is left open. When JP1 is short, the CAP address is forced to a fixed
I/O address,
0xA700. However, to adopt quick installation (described later), it is a
must to keep JP1 always short.
Quick Installation
To ease the hardware configuration, users who install only one C168P board under
Windows NT/95/98
are recommended to adopt quick installation described in
Chapter 2.
Because the family is so flexible in hardware configuration that they are compatible
virtually with all kinds of other manufacturer's multiport boards using 16450 or
16550 UART.