Supported Setserial parameters are listed as below.
uart set UART type (16450-->disable FIFO, 16550A-->enable FIFO)
close_delay set the amount of time(in 1/100 of a second) that DTR
should be kept low while being closed.
closing_wait set the amount of time (in 1/100 of a second) that the serial port should wait
for data to be drained while being closed, before the receiver is disabled.
spd_hi Use 57.6kb when the application requests 38.4kb.
spd_vhi Use 115.2kb when the application requests 38.4kb.
spd_normal Use 38.4kb when the application requests 38.4kb.
The boot time error messages and solutions are stated as clearly as possible. If you exhaust
all possible solutions without solving the problem, please contact our technical support
team for more help.
Error msg:
More than 4 Moxa Smartio/Industio family boards found. Fifth board and after are ignored.
To avoid this problem, unplug the 5th, 6th, etc., boards. The Moxa driver supports a
maximum of 4 boards.
Error msg:
Request_irq fail, IRQ address may conflict with another device.
Other PCI or ISA devices are using the assigned IRQ. If you are not sure which device is
causing the problem, check /proc/interrupts to find a free IRQ that can be assigned to the
Moxa board.
Error msg:
Board #: C1xx Series(CAP=xxx) interrupt number invalid.
Each port within the same multiport board shares the same IRQ. Set one IRQ (IRQ not
Industio CP-134U Series User’s Manual