Switch SW1 controls the function of the serial port (ON, or up, for RS-232
Console connection, and down for Data Communication, such as when NPort
Express is connected to your serial device). Note that after changing the setting of
SW1, NPort Express will reboot to initialize the new setting. You must wait a few
seconds for the green Ready light to blink off and then on again, indicating that the
function of the serial port has been changed.
Switches SW2, SW3, and SW4 control the serial port’s data communication
Interface Mode. (Note that RTS stands for Ready To Send and ADDC stands for
Automatic Data Direction Control.)
Keep the following points in mind when setting the DIP switches.
• RS-232 Console
To use the serial port as a console connection, such as when using MOXA
PComm Terminal Emulator or HyperTerminal, set SW1 to the ON position.
• Telnet Connection
Some setup procedures can be carried out through a Telnet connection,
during which data is transmitted through NPort Express’s Ethernet port.
However, you must set SW1 to the OFF position to establish a Telnet
Female DB25 Connector Pinout
DSR (in)
RXD (in)
Do not use this pin *
TXD (out)
CTS (in)
RTS (out)
DTR (out)
DCD (in)
Reg. +5 VDC (out)
Power GND for 5 VDC
Unreg. 12-30 VDC (in)
Power GND for 12-30 VDC
RS-232C RS-422/485
* This pin is reserved debugging. Connections this pin yourself could result in
irreparable damage to your device.