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Page 33
After 30 seconds of inactivity, the room station returns to the Greeting Menu
shown in Figure 19.
Monitor Menu
The Monitor function allows you to monitor a particular room on the MC2000
system. A room can only be monitored from one room station at a time. A room
cannot be monitored if the monitor function is disabled or if it is in Privacy mode.
To monitor a room follow the steps below:
Figure 30 - Monitor Menu
1. To get to the Monitor Menu, select Main Menu from the Greeting
Menu shown in Figure 19.
2. Select Monitor from the Main Menu shown in Figure 20.
3. To monitor a room, select the room you wish to monitor. To select a
room just press the button next to the room name on the screen. The
screen will indicate if a connection is established.
4. If a room has monitor functionality disabled the screen will display an
“unable to monitor room X” message.
5. The room station in the room being monitored will display “Being
monitored by room X” on its screen.
6. To stop monitoring a room, press the End button.
After 30 seconds of inactivity, the room station returns to the Greeting Menu
shown in Figure 19.
Room or door
location to select for
Return to main menu
Access to additional
rooms on the system