
CX-MB-EVA2 User's Manual Hardware
4.18.2 IrDA
The connectors of the IrDA interface are designed for commercial IrDA transmitters.
References: X40
Connector: CAB 1001-161-005
Pinout: Refer to Table 19Table 24
Pin Signal name Function
1 +5V Power supply
2 NC Not connected
3 IRRX Received data
4 GND Ground
5 IRTX Transmission data
Table 24 Pinout IrDA
4.18.3 PS/2
There is a dual PS/2 connector for PS/2 keyboards and PS/2 mice. The upper jack only
supports PS/2 mice. The pins of the lower jack provide both, signals for PS/2 keyboards
and for PS/2 mice. Keyboards can be connected directly, mice can only be operated
using an according Y-adapter.
References: X41
Connector: Tyco 84376-1
Pinout: Refer to Tables 20 and 21
Pin Signal name Function
1 MSDAT Mouse Data
2 NC not connected
3 GND Ground
4 +5V VCC
5 MSCLK Mouse Clock
6 NC not connected
Table 25 Pinout Upper PS/2 Jack
Pin Signal name Function
1 KBDAT Keyboard Data
2 MSDAT Mouse Data
3 GND Ground
4 +5V VCC
5 KBCLK Keyboard Clock
6 MSCLK Mouse Clock
Table 26 Pinout Lower PS/2 Jack