MSR120 Programmer’s Manual UDN PM010, Rev. 1.1
Section 4 – Commands and Responses 2003/1/21
Last command has been completed without an error condition, and ready for the next command.
+ (2Bh) ― No Data
If host gets the response from reader, it may mean one of following:
1 In case of a "standard format" read command, this response "+" means "no start sentinel (SS) found".
2 In case of a "read error" command, this response "+" means "no history of a previous read error".
* (2Ah) ― Error
If host gets the response from reader, it may mean one of following:
1 No end sentinel (ES).
2 Parity error.
3 LRC error.
? (3Fh) ― Communication Error
If host gets the response from reader, it may mean one of following:
1 Bad parity.
2 Wrong BCC.
3 Receive character time-out (approximately 2mSec).
4 Message more than maximum character allowed.
! (21h) ― Invalid Command
Command issued by the host was not recognized or won’t accept.
: (3Ah) ― Power On Report
The interface has completed its initialization cycle.
~ (7Eh) ― Cannot Execute
Read or encode command cannot be executed due to lack of hardware in the device.
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