Inflation Methods
Read Inflating your Inflatable PFD on page 6. This section details the three recommended
methods to inflate the device to provide buoyancy to the user. Additionally, read the section
entitled How and Why to Test your PFD, page 20.
How to Don the Device
Read Donning Instructions on page 5 to learn how to don the device without hanging loose
ends, which are a snag hazard.
How to Remove the Device
Read Removal Instructions on page 6. to learn how to remove the Inflatable Work Vest
Read Deflating the Inflatable PFD on page 8. to learn how to remove the gas or air from the
PFD once it has been inflated.
Read Cleaning and Stowage of Your Inflatable PFD, page 16.
User Warnings and Cautions
• Always wear your PFD when underway unless you are inside a cabin. This is a
requirement for commercial approval and is strongly advised for all users.
• This inflatable PFD must be worn and be serviceable to satisfy work vest requirements.
• Weak or non-swimmers should not use this device. In the case when oral inflation is the
only means to obtain flotation, a user must be able to keep their head above water long
enough to orally inflate the device.
• Do not use below freezing unless partially inflated. When the temperature is below
freezing, a fully discharged cylinder may not quickly or adequately inflate your Inflatable
PFD. Under these conditions use the oral inflator to adequately top-up the PFD, after CO
• Do not fasten device to boat unless the attachment is capable of being pulled free, such
as a kill switch.
• Do not wear this device under clothing, as inflation under clothing will restrict breathing
or may otherwise injure you.
• Always have re-arm kits (MA7214) available to service your inflatable work vest.
• Check the date of the Inflator cap to ensure it has not expired.
• If you need to jump from any height, always fold your arms over your chest to keep the
PFD in place when entering the water.
MD3188 Inflatable PFD Manufacturer's Manual