User’s manual NAVIGON 3100 | 3110
Working with the map - 29 -
8.3 Map in Navigation mode
After the route has been viewed in Preview mode, the navigation has
been started.
The map screen opens in Navigation mode.
1 Here is shown what signposts should be followed.
2 Possible speed limits may be shown here.
3 If two manoeuvres need to be executed quickly one after the other, the
small arrow field indicates the manoeuvre to be executed immediately
after the next manoeuvre.
4 The large arrow field shows a diagram of the next junction which you
should turn on to. Underneath is the distance to the next junction.
When you approach the junction, you will see a spot diagram instead of
the distance.
The nearer you are to the junction, the more yellow spots are displayed.
If you don't have to change direction for a longer period, you will only
see a forward-facing arrow with the distance shown underneath, which
shows how long you are to follow the current road.
5 The route is depicted in the colour
6 The height above sea level and the current speed is shown here.