User’s manual NAVIGON 33xx | 43xx max
Handsfree Module (only NAVIGON 4350 max) - 69 -
7.3.3 Calling a contact from the phone book
If the NAVIGON 4350 max is connected to a mobile phone whose
phone book was already imported, you can also dial numbers from the
phone book.
1. In the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window tap on Phone Book.
If the phone book of the connected phone was not yet imported, the
import will be started now; refer to "
Import Phone Book" on page 66.
Select from the phone book the contact you want to call.
3. Tap on
The S
ELECTED PHONE BOOK ENTRY window opens. It shows all the
phone numbers and addresses which have been saved for the
selected contact.
4. Tap on the
(Call) button alongside the phone number you want
to dial.
7.3.4 Calling most recently dialled, received or missed numbers
Note: The R
ECENT CALLS list contains outgoing, incoming and
unanswered calls. Incoming and unanswered calls can be dialled only if
the caller's number was transmitted.
1. Tap in the HANDSFREE MODULE window on the Recent Calls button.
► If the recent calls on the connected phone were not yet imported,
the import will be started now; refer to "Import recent calls" on
page 67.
The R
ECENT CALLS list opens. The entries are sorted
chronologically; the symbols to the right of the entry indicate the
type of call:
(Missed calls) (orange)
(Incoming calls) (white)
(Outgoing calls)
2. Tap on the entry you want.
Note: The R
ECENT CALLS list is available to the hands-free module only
for as long as the hands-free module is connected to the mobile phone.
It is updated automatically each time it is opened.