User’s manual NAVIGON 92 Plus | 92 Premium
Navigation - 43 -
2. Tap on Favourites.
3. in the FAVOURITES window tap on (More) > Edit.
4. Tap on the (Rename) button to the right of the destination
you want to rename.
5. Enter a new name.
6. Tap on Save.
7.3.4 Defining the home address
You can always start navigation to your home address very quickly by
tapping in the N
AVIGATION window on Take Me Home.
You can define exactly one destination as your home address.
Your home address is saved in the F
AVOURITES list under the name My
Address and is marked there by a house symbol .
Note: The home address is also indicated on the map by an orange
house symbol .
Saving the home address
1. In the NAVIGATION window tap on Take Me Home.
The NO HOME ADDRESS window opens with the following message:
"You still have not specified the home address. Do it now?"
2. Tap on Yes.
The SET YOUR HOME ADDRESS window opens.
3. Enter your home address or select a saved address from one of the
lists F
"Specifying a destination" on page 27).
4. In the D
ESTINATION window tap on Home Address to save the
entered address as the home address.
7.3.5 Changing the home address
You can define a different address as the home address at any time.
Proceed as follows:
1. Delete your home address from the F
AVOURITES list (see "Deleting
a destination" on page 42).
2. Enter the new home address (see "Saving the home address" on
page 43).