NAVMAN 8120/8084 Fuel, AIS, & Radar Addendum6
Viewing AIS Vessels
A AIS Vessel
B Dangerous Vessel
C Projected Course
D Data Box
E Range Rings
A typical AIS window shows:
AIS is short for Automatic Identification
System. The International Convention
for Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS) requires
all vessels greater than 300 tons and all
passenger vessels to be equipped with AIS
Transponders. All vessels equipped with
AIS permanently broadcast via one or more
of the two dedicated VHF channels. This
transmission may include information about
the vessels MMSI-number, its call sign, name,
position, course, heading, speed, rate of turn
and type of vessel.
This unit can receive and display AIS
information when connected to an AIS
receiver. Available AIS vessels transmitting in
the local area are shown on the chart when
this feature is enabled.
The following AIS receivers are supported by
this unit:
• Comar SLR200 (external GPS).
• Weatherdock Two Channel AIS Receiver
“EASY AIS”, Part No. 5-A-013 (external GPS).
• NASA Marine AIS Engine 2 channel
MultiPlex Receiver (external GPS).
Other AIS receivers may work but have not
been tested with this unit.
To enable AIS from the system menu check
the AIS box.