
Taking Photographs—Image Quality and Size
The Raw Compression Menu
The following options are available for NEF (RAW) images:
Option Description
NEF (Raw) NEF images are not compressed.
Comp. NEF (Raw)
NEF images are compressed, reducing fi le size by about 40–50%
per cent with almost no effect on image quality.
Highlight Raw compression in the shooting
menu ( 158) and press the multi selector to
the right.
High light the de sired op tion and press the
multi se lec tor to the right. The shooting
menu will be displayed. The selected op-
tion takes effect whenever image quality is
set to NEF + JPEG Fine, NEF + JPEG Normal,
NEF + JPEG Basic, or NEF (Raw).
Image Size
Image size is measured in pixels. Smaller sizes pro duce smaller fi les, making
them suited to dis tri bu tion via e-mail or inclusion in web pages. Con verse ly,
the larger the image, the larger the size at which it can be printed without
becoming noticeably “grainy.” Choose image size according to the space
available on the memory card and the task at hand.
Large 31.3 × 20.7 (12˝ × 8˝)2,464 × 1,632
Medium 23.4 × 15.5 (9˝ × 6˝)1,840 × 1,224
Size (pixels) Print size (cm)
*Approximate size when printed at 200 dpi.