
Note: If you wish to leave a filter on the lens to protect it against accidental damage, the
use of the L37 filter is recommended.
If the lens is pointed toward the sun or toward a very bright light at ni2rkt, it is best to
remove any filter, including the L37, since light reflected from the filter surface may form
ghost images on the film.
Accessories-Finder Eyecup
The finder eyecup screws directly onto the finder eyepiece to prevent extraneous light
from entering the viewfinder.
Accessories-Eyepiece Correction Lenses
Eyepiece correction lenses are designed to permit near-sighted or far-sighted users to
view and focus without their glasses. They screw directly into the rear of the viewfinder.
Available in nine diopters, -2,-3, - 4,-5, O, +0.5, +1, +2 and +3, each representing the
combined dioptry of the lens and the -1 diopter of the finder.