
Rotate the mode dial and align an icon to the mark to select one of the following
shooting modes.
i_ i i "_ ........._,
I_1 (Auto) mode ([_ 24)
Pictures can be taken
with an automatic, point-
and-shoot mode
recommended for first-
time users of digital
cameras. Brightness,
vividness, and hue can be
adjusted using the
creative slider. Various
settings areavailable in
the shooting menu
(_ 46).
Scene mode (_ 61)
EFFECTSSpecial effects ([_ 85)
Effects can beapplied to images during shooting.
Sixdifferent effects areavailable.
[] (Night landscape)
[] (Night portrait)
_l (Backlighting)
_ Continuous shooting
mode (_ 80)
Change settings to
Continuous or BSS(best
shot seEector).
Camera settings are automatically optimized for the selected scene.
(Scene auto selector) :Bysimply framing a picture, the camera automatically
selects the optimum scene mode for simpler shooting.
:Choose the desired scene from 15different scene types,
and the camera's settings are automatically optimized for
the selected scene.
:Captures the atmosphere of night landscapes.
:The flash fires to light the portrait subject while preserving
the atmosphere of the evening or night view.
:The flash fires when there is backlight to prevent the
subject from being hidden in shadow, or use the HDR
function to shoot when there are very bright areas and
very dark areas in the same frame.