
The MVC 100 is a high power, muting stereo speaker volume control that connects between the speaker-level output of an
amplifier, speaker selector, or a Niles VCS HUB4 distribution hub and a pair of speakers.
A perfect application for the MVC 100 is adjusting the volume of, or muting and unmuting remotely located speakers.
The MVC 100 adjusts the volume of speakers connected to it by attenuating the amplifier signal. To assure minimal
dissipation of internal power with
virtually no power wasted as heat, Niles volume controls use autoformers instead of L-pads as the volume-
controlling element.
The MVC 100 is an impedance-magnifying (IM) volume control. Unlike other brands, it has additional autoformer windings
that magnify the impedance of connected speakers, while allowing all 12 steps to adjust the volume of the sound. Switches
on the PC board select these windings.
With the volume control providing impedance protection for your amplifier, you can create systems with no additional
impedance-matching devices between the volume control and the amplifier.
In a typical application of IM controls, a system has eight pairs of 8-ohm speakers throughout the house and in outdoor loca
tions. Connect each pair of speakers to an MVC 100/R volume control with its switch in the 8x position, eliminating the need
for an external impedance-matching device to protect the amplifier. Even when playing all eight speaker pairs at once, the
amplifier runs at normal operating temperatures.
DS00317C-0 MVC100_R.indd 3 9/20/06 4:28:37 PM