Shortcut wallet
View ticket details
You can receive notifications of tickets purchased online
through the browser. Received notifications are stored in
the wallet. To view the notifications:
1 Select the Tickets category from the main Wallet
menu, and press
2 Select Options > View. None of the fields within the
notification can be modified.
Wallet settings
From the main Wallet menu, select Options > Settings,
and select one of the following:
Wallet code—Change your wallet code. You are prompted
to enter the current code, create a new code, and verify
the new code.
RFID—Set the phone ID code, type, and sending options.
Automatic close—Change the automatic time-out period
(1—60 minutes). After the time-out period has elapsed,
the wallet code must be re-entered to gain access to the
Reset the wallet and wallet code
This operation erases all contents of Wallet.
To reset both the contents of Wallet and the wallet code:
Enter *#7370925538# in the standby mode.
Enter the code of the device, and select OK. See "Security"
on page 109.
When opening Wallet again, you must enter a new wallet
code. See "Create a wallet code" on page 92.