2 Server Installation
22 Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite Linux Installation Guide
Running a Silent Installation
If your server is operating in runlevel 3 or higher (without X running), you can configure and run
a silent installation by editing the
To configure and run a silent installation
1. From the installation folder on the server, open the following file.
2. Edit the following file parameters to match your environment.
3. Open a terminal window.
4. Change the directory to the installation folder on the server, and run the command
ims.bin -f ./silent/installer.properties
The installation process begins.
File Parameter Instructions
Installation is silent with minimal console output.
Note: Do not change this parameter.
CHOSEN_INSTALL_SET=Mobile This is the default setting to install Nokia Intellisync
Mobile Suite.
To install only Secure Gateway, change the parameter to:
LICENSE= Type your license key. The license key must be valid or
the installation will stop.
USER_SHORTCUTS=/root This parameter creates a link to the uninstall script.
You can set this value to any valid path on the system
except the installation folder:
ADMIN_PW= Type a password for accessing the server administrative
functions in WebAdmin Console. Passwords are
alphanumeric only and must not contain symbols.
Note: Do not type a password if you are installing only
Secure Gateway.
ADMIN_COMPANY_NAME= Type your company name using only alphanumeric
ADMIN_COUNTRY= Type your two letter country code.
SERVERURL= Type your external server name to which clients can
access from outside the firewall. Use the format:
Note: Do not add http:// or https:// to the server name.