© Nokia Internet Communications Inc. | Filename: C02xQG_cardwizard.pdf | Date: 04.01.00 | Author: OH
This quick guide tells you what you should do if you have inserted the Nokia C020 or C021
Wireless LAN Card into a computer running Windows 95 with SystemSoft CardWizard before
running the setup program.
If you insert the card for the first time before running the setup program, the system detects
new hardware and asks for drivers. Even if you cannot find the drivers, the card is not
detected as a new card when setup prompts you to insert the card.
To solve the problem, you have to clear the previous hardware profile and install the card
again. In IBM laptops, the system uses SystemSoft CardWizard to handle Plug'n'Play
devices. Other laptops use similar software.
To clear the hardware profile and reinstall the Nokia C020 Wireless LAN Card
1. To clear the hardware profile and to install the card again, you have to run SystemSoft
CardWizard on your laptop. In Windows 95, you can usually start it by clicking the
Start menu and then selecting Programs. Next, select ThinkPad, then CardWorks,
and finally CardWizard.
2. The SystemSoft CardWizard window appears on the screen. If Nokia's wireless LAN
card is still inserted, the program displays the slot where it is located. If Nokia's
wireless LAN card is not inserted, you should insert it again now. There may be a
question mark ("?") after the name of the card.