Safety 1-13
Part 7119745C
E 2007 Nordson Corporation
MiniCure 08-07
Ozone poisoning should be treated symptomatically. This may include bed
rest, analgesics to relieve pain, and antibiotics as may be prescribed by a
medical practitioner.
Further details can be found on Guidance Note EH 38 from the Health and
Safety Executive.
Mercury is a silver colored liquid which is contained in medium pressure
mercury arc lamps. In the case of Primarc lamps this is typically 0.5 -- 2g.
Under normal operating conditions mercury presents no hazard as it is
contained in the quartz tube of the lamp.
Mercury is toxic and must not be consumed or handled directly on the skin.
It is recommended that protective gloves and eye protection is worn when
handling U.V. lamps.
In the event of spillage:
a. Use personal protective equipment to protect against eye and skin
contact, ingestion and inhalation.
b. Contain the spill with wet sand and recover by vacuum suction. Do not
use a vacuum cleaner as it will become contaminated and be a source
of mercury vapor.
c. Spread a 50/50 mix of calcium hydroxide and flowers of sulphur over the
affected area and allow to dry. Repeat until there is no visible trace of
mercury. Special attention should be given to cracks and imperfections
in the affected surface.
Spill kits are available from Primarc Ltd.
Lamp Disposal
Sensible precautions should be followed when disposing of Mercury Arc
a. Wrap lamp in a plastic bag, seal and repack in the box provided.
b. Dispose of the lamp using an approved waste management company or
refer to your local authority, alternatively
Contact one of the companies below for details of a disposal service for old
Primarc Limited
816 Leigh Road
Berkshire SL1 4BD
Tel: +44 (0)1753 558001
Horizon Lamps Inc.
2 Danforth Drive
Easton, PA 18045 USA
Tel: +1 610--829--4240
Free--phone: 877--422--8462