Specifi cations and illustrations subject to change
without notice or incurring obligations.
Printed in U.S.A. (01/10)
Installed by: Date Installed:
Maintenance Task
Air Filters
Inspect, clean or replace as required.
Condensate Drain(s) & Pan
Clean condensate drain pan
Inspect the flow of condensate through
the drain lines. Clean or Correct
problems as necessary.
Inspect the fan belt for wear, alignment
& and proper tension. Replace or adjust
as required.
Clean the blower wheel and housing.
Inspect the blower assembly for
corrosion and all hardware for security.
Inspect the blower coil unit casing for
corrosion and loose fasteners.
Inspect the coil fins for excessive dirt or
damage. Clean or repair if required.
Inspect all coil connections for leaks.
Inspect Mounting Hardware for security
and corrosion
Inspect Filter Rack mounting hardware
for security
Inspect panel assemblies for proper
installation and security
O’Fallon MO
The installer performing this work assumes all responsibility for this installation. Safety should always be the deciding factor when
installing this product and using common sense plays an important role as well. Improper installation of the components or failure
to follow safety warnings could result in serious injury, death, or property damage. After completing the installation, return these
instructions to the equipment owner’s package for future reference.
Figure 9. Maintenance Schedule
NOTE: The schedule above is for normal duty applications only. For severe duty applications, adjust schedule as appropriate. Additional tasks may be required
for severe duty applications.