Staple Folded Duct
Flap (typ) to side of Duct
"A" "A"
Cut- Out
Cut- Out
Area "A"
Fold Back Flap "B"
Fold Back Flap "B"
Top of Duct
"A" "A"
Fold Back Flap"B"
Lines Duct
Fold Back Flap"B"
Bend Duct Connector Tabs Up
and Over- (along length of duct)
Flap "B"
Figure 18.
bending of the duct connector tabs at the
side(s) of the duct. (See Figure 18).
1. Score and cut the top of the metal duct as
indicated in Step 1 or Step 2. With Step 1
choice, also cut out the metal from the shaded
area “A”.
2. Fold the duct flap “B” up, (See Step 3).
3. At the front-to-back of duct run (Area “A”),
bend the duct tabs and secure them directly
to the duct.
4. At Area “B”, bend the duct tabs up and back
over, around the duct connector, (See
Step 3).
5. Fold/form the duct flap against the side of the
duct connector and attach as shown, (See
Step 4). Use three (3) staples (minimum) on
each duct flap OR, if a 2X block/joist is not
provided, use two (2) sheet metal screws
(minimum) on each duct flap. An alternate
attachment method is acceptable, as long as
the duct connector is securely attached.
6. Tape the duct flap edges with an approved
tape for a leak-free joint.
a. Remove furnace outer door(s) and bottom
fuel line knockout.
b. Place furnace onto duct connector and cen-
ter with floor opening.
c. Slide onto mounting plate. (Bottom rear slots
on furnace should engage with mounting
plate tabs.)
d. Secure front with one (1) fastener at each
corner (See Figure 19 or 20).
NOTE: Additional fasteners may be used at
rear, sides or through door frame, as desired,
to secure furnace to closet or alcove framing.
Apply caulking compound on underside of roof
flashing to form a continuous strip at least 3/8"
wide (see Figure 21) around the underside of
the perimeter of the flashing. Connect Roof
Jack Assembly to the furnace. Insert telescop-
ing Roof Jack Assembly through the opening
cut on the roof. Connect flue pipe to flue collar
of furnace. Connect combustion air pipe to
furnace collar with sheet metal screw (See
Figure 22). It is recommended that the connec-
tion of the combustion air pipe to the furnace be
made before the flashing is secured to the roof
to maintain alignment of roof jack and furnace
NOTE: For replacement furnaces, be sure the
inner flue pipe connects over the furnace vent
collar. DO NOT use a smaller diameter inner
flue pipe which could slide inside the fur-
nace vent collar and restrict the flow of
furnace flue products.
Attach Roof Flashing: If necessary, shift roof
flashing slightly in the roof opening so that
assembly is in good alignment with furnace.
Press down firmly over caulking on roof flashing
to make the seal with roof water tight. Secure
flashing with appropriate fasteners. As an