3 Data Logs
42 MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1
3.7 WAAS
The Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) is a safety-critical system that provides a quality of positioning
information previously unavailable. The WAAS improves the accuracy, integrity, and availability of the basic GPS
3.7.1 WAAS GPSCard Logs
The log WALA/B (see its descriptions on Page 222), provide WAAS satellite-specific data. For more information
on MiLLennium GPSCards with the WAAS option, see Page 29.
The pass-through logging feature enables the GPSCard to redirect any ASCII or binary data that is input at a
specified port (
COM1 or COM2) to any specified GPSCard port (COM1 or COM2). This capability, in conjunction with
SEND command, can allow the GPSCard to perform bi-directional communications with other devices such as
a modem, terminal, or another GPSCard.
There are two pass-through logs
COM1A/B and COM2A/B, available on MiLLennium GPSCards.
Pass-through is initiated the same as any other log, i.e.,
LOG [to-port] [data-type-A/B] [trigger]. However, pass-
through can be more clearly specified as:
LOG [to-port] [from-port-A/B] [onchanged]. Now, the [from-port-A/B]
field designates the port which accepts data (i.e.,
COM1or COM2) as well as the format in which the data will be
logged by the [to-port] — (A for ASCII or B for Binary).
When the [from-port-A/B] field is designated with an [A], all data received by that port will be redirected to the
[to-port] in ASCII format and will log according to standard NovAtel ASCII format. Therefore, all incoming
ASCII data will be redirected and output as ASCII data. However, any binary data received will be converted to a
form of ASCII hexadecimal before it is logged.
When the [from-port-A/B] field is designated with a [B], all data received by that port will be redirected to the [to-
port] exactly as it is received. The log header and time-tag adhere to standard NovAtel Binary Format followed by
the pass-through data as it was received (ASCII or binary).
Pass-through logs are best utilized by setting the [trigger] field as onchanged or onnew. Either of these two
triggers will cause the incoming data to log when any one of the following conditions is met:
• Upon receipt of a <CR> character
• Upon receipt of a <LF> character
• Upon receipt of 80 characters
• 1/2 second timeout following receipt of last character
Each pass-through record transmitted by the GPSCard is time tagged by the GPSCard clock in
GPS weeks and
For illustration purposes, you could connect two GPSCards together via their
COM1 ports such as in a reference
station, labelled as reference station in Figure 5-1, to remote station scenario. If the reference station were logging
PVAA data to the remote station, it would be possible to use the pass-through logs to pass through the received PVAA
differential correction data to a disk file (let's call it DISKFILE.log) at the remote station host PC hard disk.