Logon Components,Connections and Connection Pools
Connection Discard Behavior
The performance benefits of connection pooling are based on the ability of more
than one user to access a resource, or set of resources, at once. The way a
connection is established begins with the logon component picking the User ID
and Password from the table. If the connection fails, then it is discarded for this
User ID and Password and another is tried until a connection is established. The
failure of one connection doesn’t necessarily prevent a successful connection from
being established.
The Connect for 5250 addresses the “one bad apple” problem by discarding any
connection that can’t be established (for whatever reason: bad user ID, timed-out
password, etc.) and reusing the others. When a connection is determined to be
unusable, the Connect for 5250 will write a message to the system log that says:
“Logon connection in pool <Pool name> was discarded for User ID <User ID>.”
Button Name Action
Reset Discarded Resets the Discarded connections which are then
reflected in the table
Reset (Pool) Resets the Available and Discarded connections
which are then reflected in the table
Refill (Pool) Refills the pool with the maximum number of
Additional Buttons on 5250 Connection Pool Manager Console
Shows the current status of the connection pool
Initialize Pool Initializes a Logon Connection Pool by entering a
relative path to the deployed lib directory. This will
not work unless the deployed jar is extracted. Click
on the SUBMIT button when finished.