
Item Descriptions Default
Use PSTN line To connect VoIP-TA to a PSTN line, check this item. Not used
Facsimile To use a facsimile, check this item (please note that when Used
transmission a facsimile is in use, the DTMF signaling end-to-end service
using VoIP-TA via VoIP communication is not available.)
Select Available when
Use PSTN line is selected. An outgoing line
outgoing (PSTN or VoIP) can be selected by the outgoing destination
destination number. Clicking this button displays the setup screen (see
Select outgoing destination below).
Hookflash This setting is used only when services using Hookflash None
(hooking) is being provided by a regional telephone company.
Detail setting Sets the telephone line details. The
PSTN line details window
is displayed when this button is clicked (see Detailed setting
for PSTN line page 29).
Setup (VoIP-TA setting) Window
Basic settings for the
PSTN line
Default values, set at the time of product shipping, are displayed when
the Restore default button is clicked.