
User’s Guide: English 229
contrast, 79
Type of Original key, 39
changing the date, 27
date display setting, 67
date/time print setting, 67
programming date and time, 27
Daylight Savings Time, 27
Delayed transmission, 2, 134
canceling, 140
document feeder, 135, 136
failed, 213
features, 135
limitations, 135
memory, 135, 138
Delayed TX key, 42, 100
a group, 117
location from a group, 115
polled faxes in memory, 162
polling messages, 159
broadcast transmissions, 221
machine won't dial, 209
number of Auto Dials, 221
number of groups, 221
number of One-Touch keys, 221
specifications, 221
Dial parameter settings, 64
changing, 66
current settings, 64
list, 64
User Program key, 43
Dial prefix, 66, 73
deleting, 75
PBX, 66
programming, 74
Dial tone detect, 64
access an outside line, 66
chain, 103
machine won't dial, 212
One-Touch keys, 99
real-time, 82
redialing, 83
search key, 82
using One Touch Keys, 41
without pressing Start, 66
DIALING message, 81
Dimensions of machine, 224
Display panel, 33
blank, 208
location, 37, 47
messages, 203
messages (typical transmission), 81
normal display, 203
Display the date, 67
Distinctive ring, 55, 73
setting, 55
telephone carriers, 55
Distortion of received faxes, 214
contrast, 79
resolution, 79
size, 77
Document feeder
delayed fax, 135, 136
Document guides, 32
DOCUMENT JAM message, 189, 204
Document jams, clearing, 189
Document loading (Priority Transmit),
DOCUMENT MIS-FEED message, 204
Document stacker, 15, 33