29 • Discovering Devices
The Add button allows you to:
• Add an IP address of a device to the discovery database
• Create a discovery list based on IP subnet entered
• Create a discovery list based on a range of IP addresses indicated
Click the IP Address radio button and click Next.
When adding a specific IP address to the discovery database, PSV provides an option to assign the
device to a specific group of devices and associate the group to a specific SNMP community.
Enter an IP address, select a group name from the Printer Group drop down menu and type the
desired SNMP community. Click Add to save your changes.
Similar to adding a single IP Address to a database, click the IP Subnet or IP Range radio buttons
to create a discovery list for a specific IP Subnet or Range of IP addresses.
PSV also provides the option to assign a group name to the subnet or the IP address range by
selecting a pre-defined name from the group drop down menu or by clicking on the map/group
button if you would like to create a new Group name.
Enter the appropriate information and click Save.