VIII - 7
Section 8 - Chapter 1 - OkiLAN 6100e Setup for Windows NT 4.0
OKI OkiLAN 6100e+ User’s Guide
Windows Printing
Notify When Printed
This feature will provide an alert when your job is
active on the printer. This may be useful if the printer is
especially busy.
An optional field where you may list the location or
other useful information about the printer port.
Using the Windows NT 4.0 LPR Print
A Microsoft LPR print monitor is shipped with
Windows NT 4.0. This print monitor is not included in
the default Windows NT installation; therefore, it will
need to be installed. In order to set up an LPR printer in
Windows NT 4.0, the system must have an IP address,
the print server must have an IP address, and Microsoft
TCP/IP printing must be installed.
System Requirements
• Administrator privileges
• Windows NT installation disks or CD
Install TCP/IP on NT Server
If Microsoft TCP/IP has not been installed on the
Windows NT print server, follow the steps below:
1. Open the Windows NT Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Network icon.
3. Select the Protocols tab.
4. Select TCP/IP Protocol and click the Properties
5. Assign the server an IP address (for LANS without
Internet access, it is suggested to use
Click OK.