Should the format be incompatible, the printer will turn to "PAPER
INCOMPATIBLE" error condition.
With the parameter set to AUTO TRAY
In this case, your terminal will automatically select a compatible tray for
printing, first checking whether the currently selected tray is compatible:
• if it is, printing will start from this tray,
• if it is not, the next tray will be selected and checked for compatibility,
• if no tray is compatible, the printer willturn to "
• if the selected tray becomes empty while printing, the terminal will search for ano-
ther compatible tray:
- if a compatible tray is found, printing will proceed on this new tray; otherwise,
the printer will turn to error condition.
Printer in "PAPER INCOMPATIBLE" error condition
The following will be displayed on your terminal:
In this condition, printing will be either cancelled (for guides, logs and
directories) or suspended (for SMS and e-mails).
The error can be cleared by pressing the STOP key or by changing the paper
format in one of the printer trays.
Clearing with the STOP key will enable the printer to be rapidly returned to
service subsequent to cancelled internal printing.
Default tray for fax printing
• Setting of fixed tray parameter:
- the fax is printed on the specified tray, except if this tray contains
incompatible paper (A5 format), in which case the printer will turn to
"PAPER INCOMPATIBLE" error condition.
• Setting of automatic tray parameter:
- the fax machine selects the tray with the paper best suited to the fax size, i.e.
the number of lines; if the number of lines is unknown, the terminal selects the
tray with the longest sheets (Legal, A4 then Letter). Any tray containing
incompatible paper will be ignored. If no tray contains compatible paper, the
printer will turn to
"PAPER INCOMPATIBLE" error condition.
• In automatic tray mode:
- the tray can be changed for each page of the received fax in case the pages have
different lengths.
• Fax reduction mode - between 70% and 100%:
- fixed or automatic reduction enabling the fax to be printed on a single page.
• Discard Size parameter - 1 cm or 3 cm:
- enables the end of a received page to be ignored if less than 1 or 3 cm are still to
be printed, which will prevent a second page from being used.