
12 – Introduction
heavy print media. When used in conjunction with the
multi-purpose feed tray, the paper path through the printer is
essentially straight. This avoids bending the paper around
curves in the paper path and enables feeding of media up to 67
lb. US Bond (250 g/m²).
Changing the Display Language ____
The default language used by your printer for display messages
and for report printing is English. If required, this can be
changed using the Panel Downloader Utililty on the CD supplied
with your printer to:
Getting Started _________________
Power Save Mode
If you do not use the machine for a while, it will enter the power
saving mode to control the power consumption of the device. To
cancel or initiate power saving mode, press the Power Save
button on the control panel.
If your machine is connected locally (via USB), when it
transitions to Sleep mode its status is viewed as off-line.
To use the printer in this state, you must press the
Power Save to exit sleep mode.