Network Configuration 24
In SMTP Tab, you can configure SMTP related items.
Location Comments
Use SMTP Transmit
Set sending E-Mail via SMTP, enabled or disabled.
Use SMTP Receive
Set receiving E-Mail via SMTP, enabled or disabled.
SMTP Server
Set IP address or host name of SMTP server.
Reply-To Address Set the E-Mail address that is used in the [Reply-To] field in the
mail header.
E-Mail Address Set the E-Mail address that is used in the [From] field in the mail
1—5 By selecting each button, the following dialogue box is displayed:
In the dialogue box, the following items can be configured:
Available condition
and Selected
Select each E-Mail alert condition.
Select a condition from Available Condition
list and click >> button. The selected
condition is copied to Selected condition
list. Available conditions are:
Off line, Consumable Message, Toner Low/
Out, Paper Low/Out, Paper Jam, Cover
Open, Stacker Error, Mass Storage Error,
Recoverable Error, Service Call Request and
Finisher Error.