
Internet Fax 23
E-mail to fax
Images received by e-mail can be forwarded by Internet Fax to any G3/
G4 fax machine. Internet Fax carries out this operation using SMTP
reception. However, this function is not supported by a POP server.
When forwarding an e-mail message to a fax telephone number through
Internet Fax, the e-mail address must be in the format FAX=[telephone
number]@[domain name]. The message can only be sent as an attachment
in Tiff format and there must be no subject or text used in the e-mail.
Note: Internet Fax can only accept attachments in Tiff format
RFC2301 standard (TIFF S).
The telephone number must be entered using numbers 0 to 9 and charac-
ters *, #, -, P and +. If anything else is entered, the fax machine will not
receive the message. The telephone number must not be more than 40 dig-
its long.
The exact mail address format required for e-mail to fax forwarding varies
from one network to another. Consult with the network administrator
about the correct format to use. For example, if the host name of Internet
Fax has been defined as "intfax" with a domain name of "network.com",
enter FAX=[telephone number]@intfax.network.com as the e-mail
address. The mail server and Internet Fax then uses this mail address for
forwarding the message.
To use this function, domain names must be registered from which data
may be received for fax forwarding. This prevents unauthorised access of
the e-mail forwarding function. Up to 5 domain names can be registered,
each up to 64 characters long. Any data for forwarding will only be
accepted by the fax machine if the sender's domain name matches one of
the registered domain names, or a sub-domain name of a registered
domain name.
Note: Refer to Appendix B for information on mail routing.
The following illustration gives a diagrammatic view of how e-mail to
G3/G4 fax machine gateway operates:
1. The client sends a message to the mail server using the address for-
mat FAX=123@fax.abc.com. A client can be a computer or an
Internet Fax.
2. The mail server makes an enquiry to the DNS server about