Windows: Software Utilities • 305
Creating PCL Macros (Forms)
There are two basic processes to producing PCL macros:
• A: Creating and downloading the PCL project
• B: Test printing the macro
A: Creating and Downloading a PCL Project
Step 1: Create the Forms in Your Software Application
Create the document in your software application.
2. Click File → Print and make sure the PCL driver is selected.
3. Print the document to a file using the extension PRN.
Step 2: Create a New Project
Open Storage Device Manager.
2. Click Projects → New Project.
The Project dialog box opens.
3. Click Projects → Save Project, enter the path/name for storing
the project on your hard drive or your network, then click
Unless you are experienced with PCL macro commands, it is best
to stay with the PostScript Forms.
Remember that file names and paths are case sensitive.