ection 5: Specifications
Print Method: Impact dot matrix
Printhead: 9 pins, 0.34 mm diameter, automatically
adjusting to paper thickness, with thermal
Print Speed
Mode Characters per second at 10 Cpi
High Speed Draft (HSD) 427 cps
Utility 320 cps
Near Letter Quality (NLQ) 80 cps
Characters per Line (CPL)
Setting ML520 ML521
10 cpi 80 cpl 136 cpl
12 cpi 96 cpl 163 cpl
15 cpi 120 cpl 204 cpl
17.1 cpi 137 cpl 233 cpl
20 cpi 160 cpl 272 cpl
Emulations: Epson FX, IBM Proprinter, and
Okidata Microline Standard
Interface: Standard: Centronics parallel
Optional: RS-232C serial
Graphics Resolution
Emulation Resolution
Epson/IBM Single Density: 144 240 dpi
Double Density: 120 144 dpi
Quadruple Density: 72 120 dpi
Okidata Single Density: 144 288 dpi
MICROLINE Double Density: 144 144 dpi
Standard Quadruple Density: 72 72 dpi
Resident Fonts
Print Quality Available Fonts
Near Letter Quality Courier, Gothic
Utility Gothic
High Speed Draft Gothic