2.2.2 Starting
No. Local Functions SW2 SW3 SW1 SW4
1 All letters & rolling ASCII continuous printing
test (Receipt)
2 All letters & rolling ASCII continuous printing
test (Slip/Sprocket)
3 Sample data continuous printing test (Validation) X O X X
4 Menu function (Receipt) O X O X
5 Hexadecimal dump (Receipt) X O O X
6 MICR read test (Receipt) (Only with MICR type) O O X X
7 Platen maintenance mode O O O X
8 Rewinder winding-performance evaluation
continuous printing test (Receipt)
1. To make the above modes are active, turn on the printer while pressing the switches marked with a circle and
releasing those with a cross.
2. No.2: Sprocket paper printing test is performed when the lever is on the Tractor side, and Slip paper printing test
when the lever is not on the Tractor side.
3. No. 3, 6 and 8: if the lever is on the Tractor side, the printer starts up for normal printing with the function disabled.
No. 1, 4, 5, and 7: the printer starts up with the function enabled regardless of the lever position.
4. No. 1: printing width is as set in the Width of Roll Paper menu.
5. No.1, 2 and 8: printing is suspended by pressing SW1. Pressing SW1 again restarts printing.
6. No. 1-3, 6 and 8: printing is suspended by opening the cover. Close the cover to restart printing.
7. During any local function, lever operation causes media mismatch alarm (1). When the lever is returned to the
original position, the alarm is released to restart test printing.