E-50 Pacemark 4410 Setup Guide
CONFIG Button:
With printer off line and no
data being sent:
Press to switch between
preset menu configurations
CFG1 and CFG2.
For more information on the
preset menu configurations,
see Section 1 of the OKI
Pacemark 4410 On-Line User’s
SHIFT Button:
Press and hold to engage alternate
(lower) button functions.
PATH/TOF Button:
With printer off line:
Press to switch paper paths
Hold to set current paper position as Top of Form
FF/LOAD/Micro Feed Up Button:
Press to move paper to next Top of Form
If paper is parked, press to feed paper into print position
With SHIFT, press for fine line feeds (1/144” increments)
TEAR Button:
Press to move form up to tear
PARK Button:
Press to park form currently in
paper path.
LF/Micro Feed Down Button:
Press to execute line feed
With SHIFT, press for reverse fine line feeds
(1/144” increments)