These instructions describe the procedure for printing passport photos using the OLYMPUS P-
400ID (passport photo version) digital color printer. Please refer to the respective instructions
supplied for information on precautions during use and the operation procedure.
Caution: Use of Dedicated P-400ID Accessories
Only paper (A6W ID or A4 ID ) ink ribbon (A6W or A4 size) developed by Olympus for
exclusive use in the P-400ID may be used for printing passport photos.
Dedicated Accessories:Olympus A6W ID Size Printing Paper/Ink Ribbon Set P-A6WPAS*
Olympus A4 ID Size Printing Paper P-A4PASE
* Always make sure to use A6W ID size paper and ink ribbon from the same package. (Combining different
types of A6W ID and P-RBN size paper and ribbon may cause the paper to jam.)
Caution: Installing of A6W ID Print Size Dedicated Ink Ribbon
The procedure for installing the A6W ID ink ribbon differs from that of ink ribbon used for
ordinary printing. Refer to “How to Install A6W ID Ink Ribbon into an Ink Ribbon Cartridge”
(shown on page iii) for information on the installation procedure.
• Unauthorized copying or reproduction of any portion of this manual by any means is strictly
• All contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
• Please be aware that the manufacturer does not assume responsibility for circumstances in any form
that occur as a result use of this product.
• Please be aware that the manufacturer does not assume responsibility for damage etc. caused by
improper use of the product by the customer, handling of the product not in accordance with the
contents of this manual, or repairs or alterations made on the product by a third party other than a
representative of OLYMPUS or persons designated by OLYMPUS.
• Please be aware that the manufacturer does not assume responsibility for conditions caused by the
installation of options or consumables other than genuine OLYMPUS products or OLYMPUS
quality certified products.
Diese Anweisungen beschreiben das Verfahren zum Drucken von Passbildern mit dem Digital-
Farbdrucker OLYMPUS P-400ID (Passbild-Version). Informationen zu Vorsichtsmaßregeln für
den Gebrauch und Betriebsverfahren entnehmen Sie bitte der jeweils mitgelieferten Anleitung.
Zur Beachtung: Verwendung speziellen P-400ID-Zubehörs
Zum Drucken von Passbildern darf nur von Olympus für den exklusiven Gebrauch mit dem P-
400ID entwickeltes Papier (A6W ID oder A4 ID) und Farbband (Format A6W oder A4)
verwendet werden.
Spezielles Zubehör: Olympus A6W ID-Format-Druckpapier/Farbbandsatz P-A6WPAS *
Olympus A4 ID-Format-Druckpapier P-A4PASE
* Verwenden Sie A6W ID-Format-Papier und -Farbband stets aus derselben Packung. (Durch kombinierten
Einsatz unterschiedlicher Typen von A6W ID und P-RBN-Format-Papier und -Farbband können Papierstaus
verursacht werden.)
Zur Beachtung: Installation des speziellen A6W ID-Druckformat-Farbbands
Das A6W ID-Farbband wird nicht auf die gleiche Weise wie herkömmliche Farbbänder eingelegt.
Einzelheiten zum Einlegen lesen Sie bitte unter „Einlegen des A6W ID Farbbandes in die
Farbbandkassette“ (auf Seite iii) nach.