
Virtuoso 4.5 Application and Integration Reviewers Guide
Copyright ©2006 OpenLink Software
member (method) to calculate the distance between points. Note that
"Point" class is computing the distance between two arbitrary points and the
arbitrary values 1 & 2 as input parameters for the Stored Procedure
"distance" whose definition is show below in Figure 28 – Distance Stored
Figure 28 – Distance Stored Procedure
CREATE procedure clr..distance (in x1 integer, in y1 integer, in x2
integer, in y2 integer)
returns float
return new DB.DBA.Point(x1, y1).distance (new DB.DBA.Point (x2, y2));
Step 8. Once the distance stored procedure has been created, we then publish the
procedure as a web service using the method previously shown in the section
Publishing SQL Stored Procedures as Web Services.
Step 9. Using the Virtuoso generated vsmx page, a SOAP Service can be invoked for
the procedure for testing as seen Figure 29 – Testing CLR UDT and
distance stored procedure and Figure 30 - Testing the SOAP
Operation, Distance.