Optima 45 - 3 15
1. Maintain 1” (25 mm) clearance (air space) to combustibles when passing through ceilings
walls, roof, enclosures, attic rafter, or other nearby combustible surfaces. Do not pack air
spaces with insulation. Check page 14 (Venting Chart) for the maximum vertical rise of the
venting system.
2. Set the gas appliance in its desired location. Drop a plum bob down from the ceiling to the
position of the appliance flue exit, and mark the location where the vent will penetrate the
ceiling. Drill a small hole at this point. Next, drop a plumb bob from the roof to the hole pre-
viously drilled in the ceiling, and mark the spot where the vent will penetrate the roof.
NOTE: you may wish to relocate the appliance to avoid cutting load-bearing members.
3. A Firestop spacer must be installed in the floor or ceiling of every level. To install the
Firestop spacer in a flat ceiling cut a 10” (254 mm) square hole. Frame the hole as shown
Fig. 1 and install the firestop.
4. Assemble the desired lengths of pipe and elbows as outlined in the Venting Chart, neces-
sary to reach from the Appliance adaptor (SDA-U), if using Simpson Dura-Vent from the ap-
pliance up through the roof. Ensure that all Simpson Dura-Vent and/or flexible is connected
and sealed accordingly.
5. Cut a hole in the roof centered on the small drill hole placed in the roof as outlined in Step 2.
6. The hole should be of sufficient size to meet the minimum requirements for each combusti-
bles of 1” (25 mm). Slip the flashing under the shingles (shingles should overlap half of the
flashing) as per Fig.2.
7. Continue to assemble pipe lengths and/or flexible gas venting.
8. Ensure vent is vertical and secure the base of the flashing to the roof with roofing nails,
slide storm collar over the section and seal with a mastic.
9. Install the vertical termination cap by twist-locking it.
NOTE: Apply high temperature sealant to inner and outer pipe on every Simpson Dura-Vent
twist-lock joint. See Fig. 3
10” (254mm)
square hole
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Locking Lugs
Locking Lugs
Fig. 3
The Optima 45-3 can be vented vertically using Simpson Dura-Vent Direct Vent System. To
vent using Simpson Dura-Vent exclusively, you must use the Archgard SDA-U Adaptor and
connect the (SDA-U) adaptor to the top of flue outlet on the Optima 45-3 gas fireplace.