General Warnings
Read all instructions before using the vacuum cleaner.
WARNING! To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury
when using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should
always be followed, including the following:
• Donotleaveapplianceunattendedwhenpluggedin.Unplug
from outlet when not in use and before servicing.
• Donotuseoutdoorsoronwetsurfaces.
• Donotallowtobeusedasatoy.Closeattentionisnecessary
when used by or near children.
• Useonlyasdescribedinthismanual.Useonlymanufac-
turer’s recommended attachments.
• Donotusewithdamagedcordorplug.Ifapplianceisnot
working as it should, has been dropped, damaged, left out-
doors, or dropped into water, return it to a service center or
call customer service at: US: 1-800-989-3535
Canada: 1-888-676-7325
• Donotpullorcarrybycord,usecordasahandle,closedoor
on cord, or pull cord around sharp edges or corners.
• Keepcordawayfromheatedsurfaces.
• Donotrunapplianceovercord.
• Donotunplugbypullingoncord.Tounplug,grasptheplug,
not the cord.
• Donothandleplugorappliancewithwethands.
• Donotputanyobjectintoopenings.Donotusewithany
opening blocked; keep free of dust, lint, hair and anything
that may reduce air flow.
• Keephair,looseclothing,ngersandallpartsofbodyaway
from openings and moving parts.
• Donotusetopickupanythingthatisburningorsmoking,
such as cigarettes, matches, or hot ashes.
• Donotusewithoutlterbagassemblyinplace.
• Turnoffallcontrolsbeforeunplugging.
• Useextracarewhencleaningonstairs.