Copyright 2003 OutBack Power Systems, Inc. FX & VFX “E” Series Inverter/Charger System Installation & Programming Manual
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Rev 7.1 06/08/06 Page 25
Stacking Procedure (Continued)
OB SLAVE L1: Split Phase: (NOT TO BE USED ON “EXPORT” SYSTEMS) Alternately, if you have a system with two to ten
FX’s and an X-240 autotransformer and you wish to produce 120VAC on both AC Output Legs and also 240VAC between the two
AC Output Legs (where applicable) then set the stack phase of the FX’s you want as parallel slaves (Leg 1) to “OB Slave L1”.
Make sure the slave FX’s are in the lowest numbered ports of the HUB. “OB Slave L1” is used for FX’s that run in parallel with the
master. OutBack’s X-240 autotransfromer must be included in the system to use this stacking option. This FX is considered the
L1 phase.
(NOT TO BE USED ON “EXPORT” SYSTEMS) If you have a system with two to ten FX’s and an X-240
autotransformer and you wish to produce 120VAC on both AC Output Legs and also 240VAC between the two AC Output Legs
(where applicable) then set the stack phase of the FX’s you want as series slaves (Leg 2) to “OB Slave L2”. Make sure the slave
FX’s are in the lowest numbered ports of the HUB. “OB Slave L2” is used for FX’s that run in series with the master. OutBack’s X-
240 autotransfromer must be included in the system to use this stacking option. This FX is considered L2 phase.
3PH MASTER: If you have a system with three (and only three) FX’s and you wish to produce 230VAC on three AC Output Legs
as well as 400VAC between each AC Output Leg, set the stack phase of the FX you want as the master to “3PH Master” and make
sure it is in port 1 of the HUB. The 3-phase stacking is similar to “Classic” stacking in the sense that each FX acts independently
and cannot help out other phases. The HUB also has a jumper on it that needs to be changed for 3-phase stacking (refer to the
HUB manual). This FX is considered phase A.
3PH SLAVE: If you have a system with three (and only three) FX’s and you wish to produce 230VAC on three AC Output Legs
as well as 400VAC between each AC Output Leg, set the stack phase of the 2 FX’s you want as the slaves to “3PH Slave” and
make sure they are in ports 2 and 3 of the HUB. There are no selections to differentiate between phases B and C. When you set
the jumper in the HUB for 3-phase, the HUB tells each slave which phase they are. “3PH slave” on HUB port 2 is considered
phase B. “3PH slave” on HUB port 3 is considered phase C.
The next two screens in the “Stack” menu on the MATE are the “POWER SAVE LEVEL MASTER ADJUST ONLY” and “POWER SAVE
LEVEL SLAVE ADJUST ONLY” screen. You can access these screens by pressing DOWN once or twice if you are currently on the
STACK PHASE screen. Since nobody (seriously, even here at OutBack) understands these screens the first 3-4 times they are
explained, we offer our best effort right here. These screens only make complete sense after you’ve read and understand both of them.
These two screens only pertain to systems that have “OB Slave L1” type slaves.
Only adjust the value on this screen if you wish to have one or more of the Slave FX’s AC outputs “On” at all times. This may be
necessary if you are having trouble starting large loads. The first thing to note is that this screen pertains to the Master FX only and
therefore you must be on port 1 (P01 in the upper right-hand corner of the MATE). Press PORT on the MATE until you see P01 on the
MATE. The number to the right of the screen is the “Slave Rank Designator”. The default value for the Slave Rank Designator is zero
(0) on every FX. By pressing INC on the MATE you can increment (by whole numbers) this value. If this value is set to a number
greater than zero then the Master FX will keep the Slave FX’s AC outputs “On” if they have a “POWER SAVE LEVEL SLAVE ADJUST
ONLY” value equal to or less than this number (for instance, if this value is set to “2” then all the Slaves with “POWER SAVE LEVEL
SLAVE ADJUST ONLY” values of “1” or “2” will have their AC outputs kept “On”). Any Slave with a “POWER SAVE LEVEL SLAVE
ADJUST ONLY” value greater than the Masters “POWER SAVE LEVEL MASTER ADJUST ONLY” value will be “asleep” (AC output is
“Off”) until the Master calls upon it to help with large loads.
This screen allows you to assign the “Slave Rank” of the Slave FX’s in the system. The first thing to note is that this screen pertains to
the Slave FX’s only and therefore you must be on port 2 or greater on the MATE (shown in the upper right-hand corner of the MATE as
P02 or P03, etc.). Press PORT on the MATE until you see the port that you wish to program displayed on the MATE. The number to
the right of the screen is the “Slave Rank”. All Slave FX’s have “POWER SAVE LEVEL SLAVE ADJUST ONLY” (or “Slave Rank”)
default values of 1. If this value is not changed from 1 then one of two things will happen. First, if the Master FX has been
programmed with a value of 1 or greater in the “POWER SAVE LEVEL MASTER ADJUST ONLY” screen then all of the Slave FX’s will
remain “On” at all times. Second, if the Master FX has been programmed with a value of zero in the “POWER SAVE LEVEL MASTER
ADJUST ONLY” screen then all of the Slave FX’s will remain “Off” until the Master FX needs help and calls for the Slave FX’s with
“Slave Rank” equal to 1 to come “On”. This will turn on all of the Slaves. If your system includes more than one Slave FX then you
may want to choose a different “Slave Rank” for each Slave FX. This allows them to come “On” one at a time which saves power in the
long run. To change the “Slave Rank” of a given Slave FX, press the PORT button on the MATE until the Slave FX’s port appears in
the upper right-hand corner of the MATE. Next, press INC to increase the value until it is what you desire. Repeat this process for
each Slave in the system. When a Slave FX has a “POWER SAVE LEVEL SLAVE ADJUST ONLY” value greater than the Master FX’s
“POWER SAVE LEVEL MASTER ADJUST ONLY” it will remain “Asleep” (and save about 18 watts). When large loads are present, the
Master FX will call out for “Slave Rank” = 1 to come “On” (unless it is already “On” due to the “POWER SAVE LEVEL MASTER
ADJUST ONLY” setting being 1 or greater). If the Master FX needs even more power then it will call out for “Slave Rank” = 2 to come
“On” and so on.
Using these three screens will allow you to stack your system in many different configurations. As an addition to the explanations
above, we have offered some examples of common systems outlined below.