8. Technical data
Measurement interval for outdoor sensors: .....................................approx. 3 min
Measuring interval for indoor sensor: ........................................................ 10 min
Transmission frequency: .................................................................... 433.92 MHz
Free field range: ..................................................................................max. 300 ft.
Indoor temperature range: .........................................................32 ˚F to +140.0 ˚F
Resolution: ................................................................................................... 0.1 °F
Accuracy: ....................................................................................................±1.5 ˚F
Outdoor temperature range (KS 300US):................................. -21 ˚F to +175.8 ˚F
Resolution: ................................................................................................... 0.1 °F
Accuracy: ....................................................................................................±1.5 ˚F
Measuring range for relative humidity (indoor/outdoor):...................... 0% - 99 %
Resolution: ....................................................................................................... 1%
Accuracy: ....................................................................................................... ±5%
Rainfall indicator: ............................................................................. 0 to 99.9 inch
Analysis interval: ...................last hour: at xx:30 hours, total for day: at 7.30 a.m.
Resolution: ............................................................................................. < 0.3 mm
Wind speed: ....................................................................................... 0 - 124 mph
Resolution: ..................................up to 100 mph: 0.1 mph; over 100 mph: 1 mph
Voltage supply:
Base station .......................................................................... 4 x 1.5 V/AA battery
KS 300US: ............................................................................ 3 x 1.5 V/AA battery
Dimensions (W x H x D) of base station: ....... 6,3" x 8,5" x 1,3" (excluding stand)
9. Explanation of terms
Perceived temperature - see Wind chill
Dew point - Temperature point that is dependent on the conjunction of a specific
air pressure, a specific temperature and a specific humidity. At this temperature
humidity begins to condense, the so-called dew, the humidity condenses and
precipitates as a liquid. If the dew point for water vapour is less than 32 °F, the
condensation occurs as snow or frost.
Weather forecast - Forecast display using weather symbols, calculated from the
speed at which the air pressure rises or falls (tendency).
The speed of change of air pressure is the critical factor for the prediction of the
coming weather; the absolute value is of secondary importance. In general, it can
be said that rising air pressure indicates better weather, while falling air pressure
indicates deteriorating weather.
Wind chill equivalent temperature (perceived temperature) - A fictitious
temperature, which the human body feels under certain conditions instead of the
measured temperature, and which can be used at low temperatures (e.g. less than