
thumbnails 137
viewing photos 137
Palm Quick Install 69–73
PalmModem accessory, prerequisite for
connection 180
Passkeys 152
entering to create a trusted pair with a
phone 152, 462
Passwords 426–428
changing 426
changing in VersaMail 284
creating 426
deleting 426
editing in e-mail account 196
entering in Web Browser Pro 325
for network 406
forgotten 465
VersaMail 184
notes into other applications 131
photos into other applications 137
text 52
text from a web page 326
Payment, Expense item 122
PDBs 322
Pen stroke, full-screen 422–423
Peripheral hardware 14
Personal preferences 380, 420–442
Buttons 421–423
Color Theme 424
Owner 424
Security 425–428
Shortcuts 440
connection problems 462–463
creating a trusted pair 402
downloading messages from 161
entering ISP information 411
entering passkey 152, 462
Lookup 61–62
numbers, selecting for Address list 80
numbers, selecting types 79
preferences 420
settings for ISP or dial-in server 407–409
Phone Link
Bluetooth connection 149–158
creating connections with 150–156
entering passkey 462
overview 149–150
Phone preferences
Dialer 111
main handheld preferences 420
SMS 159
Photos. See Palm Photos
Pick lists 19
PIM (personal information manager), using
HotSync Manager with 76
Plug-in applications 275, 418
POP accounts, APOP synchronization in 263
POP3 accounts 185, 193, 199
adding an account 183, 190, 197
Port number 288, 291
IR on handheld 33, 361
serial 4, 5, 363, 364, 398
USB 4, 5, 363, 364, 398
Power button 13
Power preferences 384–386
PPP 413
PQAs 322
PRC (application file extension) 322, 418
advanced e-mail account 294
Bluetooth 389–397
Buttons 111, 421–423
choosing 50
Color Theme 424
Communication 379
Connection 398–403, 404
cradle setting 385
Date & Time 381–382
deleting e-mail 257
Digitizer 382
Formats 382
General 379, 380–388
getting mail 257
Graffiti 2 384
mail databases 299
modem 294
Network 404–420
opening 380
Owner 424
Personal 380
Phone 420
Power 384–386
Security 425
ShortCuts 440
SMS 167–169