
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 151
See also Calendar application; events
adding notes to 55
color-coding 52, 55
combining tasks with 50
creating recurring 55
deleting 55
filing 52
repeating 54
scheduling 5152
setting duration of 52
sharing 3
ASF media files 61
asterisk (*) characters 45
adding 113
downloading 111
sending events as 49, 55
sending files as 113
sending memos as 87
sending multimedia files as 68
sending notes as 91
sending tasks as 83
Attachments screen 113
Audible Player software 8
audio applications 3, 69
audio files 7072
auto-off interval 137, 140
back panel controls 4
changing 89
customizing 133
backing up information 7, 123
internal flash drive 37
cautions for 147
charging 19, 139
conserving power for 130
extending life of 127, 140
battery icon 139
Beam Category command 80
Beam Contact command 48
Beam Item command 80
Beam Status dialog box 48
beaming 3, 20, 48, 144
birthdays 46
Blazer application See web browser
blinking cursor 16
Bluetooth Access Points 104
Bluetooth application
additional information for 104
computer setup options for 100
features 93
icon on status bar 10
opening 94, 95, 100
setting connection information 94
setting up connections 9597
status bar icon 98
Bluetooth devices
built-in software for 6
connecting to 4, 93
sending applications to 20, 126
sending entries to 20, 126
sending events to 55
sending memos to 87
sending notes to 91
sending task entries to 83
setting up 94
synchronizing with 43
turning off 140
verifying status of 98
Bluetooth icon 5
Bluetooth LAN Access Points 93
Bluetooth™ technology 92, 93
BMP files 61
bold fonts 132
bookmarks 121
browsing the web 5, 98, 119
built-in applications 5
Business Card command 48
business cards 48
locking 130
navigator 12
quick 2
reassigning application 137
Calculator application 6
Calculator icon 6
calculators 6
color-coding appointments 52, 55
formatting 137
selecting dates on 80
Calendar application
additional information for 55
benefits of 50
checking schedules in 53
customizing 133
entering birthdays for 46
opening 5, 51