Customizing your IP Phone 1210—advanced features
1. Preferences
Use the 1.Preferences menu to alter the following local preferences:
• “1. Contrast” on page 56
• “2. Language” on page 56
1. Contrast
Use the Contrast tool to alter the physical settings of the display.
Note: Changes made to the display Contrast using this method are
lost if you reset the phone. To avoid this situation, Nortel recommends
that you use the Contrast Adjustment control in the Telephone
Options menu for contrast adjustment.
Use the following procedure to adjust Contrast setting.
2. Language
Information that appears on the display is available in multiple languages.
1. Press the Services key twice to open
the Local Tools menu, press the 1 key
on the dialpad to select Preferences,
and press the 1 key to select Contrast.
2. Press the right or left arrow keys to
increase or decrease the contrast value.
3. Press the Enter key to save the