External control
7. Using the UV.CHK screen (only available in online mode).
… Displays all UJ35 controller information in real time.
… Enables measurement calibration of optional UV sensor and set UV strength values.
・LED status for each CH differentiated by color
・If an error occurs, an error number is displayed
・Panel showing error list can be displayed at any time
・Shows measured value in real time
・[TYPE] Displays the current TYPE (0-7).
・[TEMP.] Constantly shows the LED temperature for each connected CH.
・[ERROR No.] Displays error list panel.
1) “Measurement”… Shows measured UV strength of selected CH.
*When values are being changed for a CH (1–4), Set strength (1–100) is highlighted.
・[CH SELECT] Selects the CH to be measured.
・[Set strength (1-100%)] Enables entry of strength (%) to be measured, can be changed
during measurement.
・[Measured value (W/cm
)] Shows measured value in real time.
・Write Uploads UV entered strength (%) to UJ35 controller.
・Low Range Sets measurement range to 0.00-9.99 W/cm
・High Range Sets measurement range to 0.0-49.9 W/cm
・START Starts irradiation on the selected CH.
・STOP During irradiation, performs emergency stop.
2) “Calibration”… For the selected TYPE, corrects the UV strength for CH and STEP.
・[CH SELECT] Selects the CH to be calibrated.
・[Set strength (0.00-49.9W/cm
)] Enables entry of strength (%) to be calibrated.
・[Measured value (W/cm
)] Shows measured strength in real time.
・[Calibration strength (%)] Shows strength (%) during calibration.
・Write Uploads UV entered strength (%) to UJ35 controller.
・Low Range Sets measurement range to 0.00-9.99 W/cm
・High Range Sets measurement range to 0.0-49.9 W/cm
・START Starts irradiation for calibration.
・STOP Performs emergency stop during calibration.
・RESET Resets errors.
・ERROR No. Displays error list panel.