Micro-Imagechecker AX30/AX40
Software Highlights
Human eye-like sensitivity
The colour recognition/extraction
algorithms of AX30 and AX40 are based
on the LCH (luminosity, chroma and
hue) mode, which covers all colours a
human eye can recognise. This mode
allows for colour recognition more
similar to that of the human eye than
conventional RGB-mode colour
Colour Detection, Presence Checking
Measures the area of the specified region or pre-defined
colours to detect foreign objects, perform presence checking,
sort or count objects.
Inspection examples
Size Measurement
Grey-scale based inspection functions such as edge finders
allow the system to measure dimensions, angles, diameters,
radii, etc. with sub-pixel resolution.
Numerous advantages
½ Independent evaluation of luminance, saturation and hue
½ Low influence by variation in luminance
½ Higher recognition certainty
½ Reliable detection of objects barly distinguishable
in grey colour pictures
Colours like green,
cyan or yellow can
hardly be
distinguished in
grey colour pictures.
Only a colour system makes reliable
control possible.
Colour image processing opens a new world of possibilities.
37709_ax30_40_ENGL 06.04.2005 14:51 Uhr Seite 6