
Setting the Internet Parameters........................................................................41
Setting the parameters for the LAN Interface 41
Setting the Internet Relay Station 45
Programming or Retrieving Parameters via Email .........................................46
Using Email to Program or Retrieve Parameters 46
Using a PC to Input the Internet Parameters Remotely 46
To Input the Internet Parameters for the First Time 47
To Retrieve the Internet Parameters for Backup 49
To Edit the Retrieved or Backup Internet Parameters File 51
Using a PC to Update the Auto Dialer Remotely 54
Deleting the Entire Auto Dialer 55
To Program One-Touch / ABBR No. for the First Time 56
To Retrieve One-Touch / ABBR No. Data for Backup 58
To Edit the Retrieved or Backup One-Touch / ABBR No. Data File 60
Using Email to Retrieve the Journal 62
Programming Email Address and Telephone Numbers.................................63
Entering One-Touch/Abbreviated Dialing Numbers 63
Changing or Erasing One-Touch/Abbreviated Dialing Numbers 67
Printing Out a Directory Sheet 70
Customizing Your Machine...............................................................................71
Setting the Fax Parameters 71
Fax Parameter Table 72
Loading Documents...........................................................................................77
Documents You Can Send 77
Documents You Cannot Send 77
How to Load Documents 78
Basic Transmission Settings ............................................................................79
Contrast 79
Resolution 79
Halftone 80
Verification Stamp 80
Sending Documents via LAN............................................................................81
Manual Number Dialing 82
One-Touch Dialing 83
Abbreviated Dialing 84
Directory Search Dialing 85
Returned Email 86
Multi-Station Transmission (Broadcasting) ............................................................ 87
Using a Mailing List 88
Transmission Reservation........................................................................................ 89
Memory Transmission Reservation (Multitasking) 89
Redialing .................................................................................................................... 90
Automatic Redialing 90
Manual Redialing 90