Subscribing to DDI -ALPHA5
2Fax this form to DDI at 0077 2322 9555 (24-hour
After the fax transmission is completed, please
follow the steps below.
3Press (Function).
4Press .
5Enter your postal code without the “–” (hyphen mark).
6Press (Register).
7Press .
Your telephone number will be sent to DDI.
The red -ALPHA5 indicator light will be off.
After about 1 hour, an online data communication
will start between your unit and DDI. After the
communication has been completed, the
-ALPHA5 indicator will turn green.
To use the e-mail service, you have to subscribe to DDI
first. If you filled out a DDI registration at the place where
you purchased your fax machine, steps 1 and 2 below
are not required.
Please contact DDI Customer Service Center at
0077 772 (dial toll free) 9 am-9 pm, in the following
–when you have already subscribed to DDI,
–when you have subscribed to other telephone
companies other than NTT and DDI, or
–when you are using a discount service offered by NTT
or other telephone companies.