
The Message Manager is responsible for recording various system messages (specifically:
menus, voice labels, user prompts, and system caller names). He is responsible for maintaining
the following:
Company Greetings - Up to 32 company business or non-business hour greetings can be
selected, recorded, or deleted as necessary.
Company Name
The Department Dialing Menu (maximum length: 6 min) - A caller can access departments
with the touch of one key. Nine Department Dialing selections (1 to 9) can be recorded.
The Custom Service Menus (maximum length: 6 min each) - Up to 100 custom service
menus can be recorded. These menus guide callers to the services they require without the
need for a human operator. This is the most useful and powerful feature of your Panasonic
Voice Processing System. For example, the Message Manager can record menus in a wide
variety of foreign languages.
The Voice Labels (maximum length: 6 min each) - Up to 20 System Group Distribution Lists
can be created by the System Administrator. Each list can have a voice label.
The User Prompts (maximum length: 6 min each) - There are 3 kinds of voice mail prompts:
(1) System Prompts, (2) User1 Prompts, and (3) User2 Prompts. Generally, the System
Prompts should be left alone; they are recorded by the factory in English. However, User1
and User2 Prompts can be recorded by the Message Manager in the foreign languages of
his choice. Think of how useful this can be for your customers.
The Multilingual Selection Menu (maximum length: 6 min) - With this menu, callers can
select the language they prefer to hear all prompts (mentioned in the previous paragraph,
"The User Prompts"). For example, the Message Manager can record a menu like this:
For English, press 1.
For French, press 2.
For Spanish, press 3.
The System Caller Names (maximum length: 4 s each) - Up to 120 Caller ID numbers can
be registered by the System Administrator. A name should be recorded for each Caller ID
number — this is a task for the Message Manager.
Available for the KX-TVS80 only.