Operating Instructions
• An example of Destination IPv6 WAN address / Destination LAN network setup
IPsec Connection: Example 1
IPsec Connection: Example 2
In the example below, IPsec will not operate because the two networks are the same.
• The prefix length of the destination LAN network
When the destination is this product, set the prefix length as below.
• When viewing images from an IPv6 compatible camera (e.g. BB-HCM311A) via a destination
router when connected using IPsec, set the camera's network (IPv6) to Enable for Access from the
Internet. For more details see the camera's Operating Instructions.
Entry Selecting Enable, enables the entered IPsec settings. When you do
not want to use IPsec select Disable. Even if Disable is selected the
entered settings will not be deleted.
Pre-shared Key Sets the pre-shared key. Enter between 8 and 64 alphanumeric
characters. The secret shared key used in IPsec is created based on
the pre-shared key, so do not let third parties know your pre-shared
key. This is in order to maintain communication security.
Destination IPv6 WAN
Sets the other party's WAN IPv6 global address.
Destination LAN
Set the other party's LAN network prefix and prefix length. Set a
global prefix for the prefix. Also, make sure that this product's LAN
side network is a different network from the destination's LAN side
network. Please note that a link local address cannot be set.
Options Setup Sets detailed IPsec-related settings. (see page 89)
– Tunneling, Static v6 Connection: Set the prefix length set on LAN side prefix.
– 6to4 Connection: Set the prefix length to 48.
Own LAN Network 1:
2001:1001: ::/64
Destination LAN Network 2:
2001:1002: ::/64
Destination IPv6 WAN address
Enter "2001:1002:: " for the Destination IPv6 WAN address.
Enter "2001:1002: ::", prefix length "64" for the Destination LAN network.
Own LAN Network 1:
2001:1001: ::/64
Destination LAN Network 2:
2001:1001: ::/64